version 3 enhancements & new features
- further
improvements include:
- a
calendar booking system; single therapist (flexi system allowing
times and 'lists' for different days) and multiple practitioner
for clinic
environment, with appointments, tasks to do , week to view etc
- druglists
for ease of maintaining medicine records
- treatment
approach menus for ease of maintaining quality audit
- "caution"
alert for at risk patients
- further
tidying up of patient input areas
- an
audit trail
- Help
is available within the program itself, along with the html and
pdf manuals.
All the main layouts now have an immediate overview of all the
main buttons
- a
sample Assistant/ Locum Contract is now available in the Stationery
- more
fixes to linking, to improve speed and continuity

clicking 'Detail' above (or 'surname') takes you to the detailed patient input layout (below)

Calendar & Booking (for
details from the manual click here)
more about the programme generally