Product Overview
CompactOffice, SoulTrader & CrystalSolutions are entry-level Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications designed for small businesses. They includes features such as client and contact management, product management, basic accounting, preparation and management of stationery, diary scheduling and a complete user-access control system. They have been designed so that new features can be integrated easily and quickly, based on our customer recommendations (and some of our own).
It is based on the concept of the Business Model. Your business and indeed every business, will conform to a business model, even if it is distinctly your own. We can tailor the application to suit your business needs, whether you run an IT company, a building company, small shop, or a service company of any kind.
We intend to integrate any new business models we develop, into future versions. We are grateful for any feed-back you can provide regarding the contents ascribed to each business model (and indeed, any suggestions you may have).
There are currently 3 business models in the application, summarised as follows:
Remember this is not a comprehensive input of therapeutic case history taking, which we expect to be on a Patient's written Notes. It is however designed to allow the Practitioner to record quickly, the pertinent facts of a patient's history, and treatment, and thus allow quality audit - with final reference to the patient's written notes, found alphabetically. Put simply this program (as well as keeping Accounts, Stationary, Electronic booking, Mass mailing etc) allows us to find a patient by condition, treatment and a myriad of other factors, age, sex, address, which is impossible with a simple alphabetic written system on its own. Thus, for example Podiatry case taking, is simplified enormously but can be input-ed at the end of the day very swiftly, and along with the other pages, allows a good detailed snapshot of the patient seen earlier. Similiarly with Acupuncture, i was asked by a colleague for a way to compare pulse histories of a patient, and this i think we have achieved, the practitioner being able to reference further info from their written notes, but an immediate comparison can be seen when comparing the different treatment dates and outcomes. This is true for most of the Therapies referenced in the program including Herbalism & Homeopathy.
Switching business-models is as easy as selecting a menu-option. Please refer to the Setup Help for further information on business-models. Each user can have their own distinct business-model, so you can also login as another user to switch business-models. |
If your business type is not included in the list and you feel that a standard business model does not apply to your company, please contact our support team, who will be glad to assist you.
In the current version of the product, there are only insignificant differences between business-models. For instance, when changing from a standard business-model to a therapy business-model, the word Client is replaced throughout by the word Patient, and there will now be 3 Patients pages to choose from (2 of which are dedicated to medical related issues). This may not always be the case and greater differences may become apparent, as business-models are refined and new business-models added.
Importing your existing business data is made simple through the use of Crystalsolution's built-in Import facility, which can import a variety of data types into the application. If you use a data format that is not currently implemented, please contact our support department on: Support@Crystalsolutions.org
Copyright © 2005 Cyberzoic Software Ltd. & Crystalsolutions All Rights Reserved. |