croc cottage, south lakes holiday cottage

Audit & Practice Management Training Day with Tai Chi Workshop & Free fully working Audit & Practice Management Software (50 records)

at St Paul's Parish Hall, Kents Bank Road, Grange over Sands, Cumbria ( great location to visit the South Lakes)

Saturday 12 April 2008 10 am to 4.30 pm or later if required (lunch 1 to 2)

cost £35

CPD Certificates supplied


1/ beg or borrow a laptop which runs XP / Vista or NT or 2000 or Mac OS X (10.4 ) or contact us and we'll try and arrange a machine here

2/ (download & install the free software at - or pick up a free CD on the Training day but we really recommend attendees spend a few minutes each workday evening for 2 weeks prior to the course, using the quickstart tutorial, so as to input and build a meaningful database of patients.)


Areas covered are to be found on and

Tai Chi workshops - no experience necessary; we want to have 2 gentle exercise sessions am and pm to break up the "computer static stiffness yuk"

Loose clothes and high heels help!


Interested parties please email us at letting us know your name and email, or address and any special requests you may have. Please let us know if you have a computer you can bring.

and a £10 non returnable deposit can be paid online here




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